August is back-to-school month at the Floof and Fur, but Mom says we have had enough school to last a lifetime. Just a little background:'
I came to live with my mom at the tender age of 12 weeks back in December 1995. At the time, Mom was in school to work on her Ph.D. She had been a teacher for 17 years teaching middle school math and wanted a change.
While in graduate school, Mom taught math classes to freshmen and sophomores. I helped Mom grade papers (after playing a game of "who can catch the flying papers?") and even gave my stamp of approval on a few papers (you should have seen Mom trying to explain the teeth marks).

So, as you can see, I have completed my Ph.D. and am now a happily retired kitty! We still stay in contact with our former students (they are teachers now!) and they always ask how I am doing.
Good Morning Miss Praline. We expect you were one of the very best "teacher assistants" anywhere.
what a furry nice story, praline! here you are, all retired an' cozy, an' skeezix is all agog at the chance he might get to go to school for the furry furst time--just goes to show that the cat blogosphere is fur efurrycat!!
You are a very good floofer Praline for helping your mommy through school and grading papers!
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