I haven't been able to get my furs to do what I want them to lately so I thought I would try a new look.

What do you think? Isn't it gorgeous? Is it me? Hmm...maybe I should make an appointment with Dr. Samantha Black and have her give me a new look.
Hmmm, that is a most interesting "do".
Love and Purrs,
pee ess: Be careful going to Dr. Samantha Black, okay. Study those pickshures below carefully. i's jus sayin....!
That is a very interesting look for you, Scotchy...
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Ooooo Noooo - stay away from Dr. Samantha Black. I am trying the loooooooong, dark look on my blog tomorrow. Come by and see!
Hmm....I guess going to Dr. Samantha Black isn't a very popular idea. I guess I'll just have to go back to my original look. I'll just have to get my girl to comb all the leaves and sticks out of it before my next photo shoot.
Interesting, Scotchy. I think that colour clashes a wee bit with your fur though.
Purrs Goldie
Ummm....that is a very distictive hairstyle. Not sure it is purrfect for you though!
Actually, I kind of like it! :)
We're not sure we like that style on you. Your face looks so much prettier "naked."
What's wrong with Samantha's work? We put in a good word for Buddy to become her partner.
We think that you need to go through the catwash. Moe licks on side and I lick the other. You will come out nice and clean!
C&M - Chicats
I'm a mature ginger gent and I've been thinking I might need a new look to wow the ladycats. Do you think you might have something for me? Something tasteful that says "there might be snow on the roof, but there is still a lot of fire in hte furnace."
Our Mom did that to Tamir - he's still sulking!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
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