Hey efurrybody! This just in!
Floof and Fur is having a Costume Contest!! Now is your chance to dress up and have some Halloween fun!
Be sure to tell all your friends! All blogging animals are welcome, us Floofy's don't discriminate! Whether your a cat, a woofy, a bun, a goat, a hamster, it doesn't matter as long as you have the Halloween spirit! See you there!
I don't usually dress up, but I will see what I can do! Mom. . .
Oh such fun! Let me see what do I want to be........
Hmmmm . . . dress up . . . or man up . . . hmmmmm....
Don't werry abowt stepping on toes -- it's not a problim! I'll put yer badge up on the Halloween Contest blog win I set it up this weekend!
yey yey Halloween fanz!! ,mao mom say she dress like meee! dat is phunny!
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