Warm purrs of hello to all our furriends. And welcome back! And welcome to the "new look" of your blog, Floof and Fur. We are still a bit of a work in progress ~ needing to update our sidebar photos, set up our birthdays and gotcha page. We also have plans to work on "our angels" page. And to come up with some special events ~ just for fun ~ for the rest of the year. If you have comments, questions ~ or better yet IDEAS about how to further develop FLOOF and FUR, you can email us: zoolatry at gmail dot com. This is just a temporary email address until we set up a regular and ongoing one. Thanks for stopping by ~ hope to see you again!
Quite a few of the kitty bloggers have sadly left for the Bridge this year. In a recent chat room it was proposed that May 1 be set aside for remembering our furry angels. We hope this will become an annual event in the CB.
In this inaugural party, we have sweet Praline, our newest angel as mascot....