Nov 30, 2008


Hai dere.

Me iz here ta make sure yoo all iz doin yoor shoppin right.

I gun tell yoo a seacrit.


holds sum GREAT pressies, all frum us at da cb! Iz great!

Effun meh sisfur haz SMALL store dere. We makes blankies. :)

We hope yoo do sum hollydeh shoppin here wif us at the CB!


Nov 28, 2008

Secrets Revealed!

Ya'll need to come by my bloggy and find out why I'm so proud of my girl. She is pawsome!!

Nov 27, 2008


Margaret Mary a/k/a MAGGY... who lives at Zoolatry is
Five Wonderful Years Old today.
What a kitteh to be thankful for! (so says her Mombean)
Maggy & Zoey send Thanksgiving Wishes to one and all.

Nov 21, 2008


We would like to thank Zoey, The Island Cat for making the long trip from Michigan to Florida in order to teach Maggy and Zoey from Zoolatry in the proper use of their new ham-micks. It is rather obvious that Zoey has a few more
hairs-on-tail than do the Zoolatry ladies.
Be that as it may, we all LOVE our new ham-micks...
you can order yours from the kitcats at Forty Paws.
And Zoolatry thanks Perfectly Parker for this
wonderful comfy cozy gift!

Nov 20, 2008



Where r alla yoo floofy baybees?!

I wanna nooo....

I keep gittin in trouble alllllla tim, effuree day effun. All acaz i keep tryin ta attack an eet mommeh's coocoo clooockee.

Wat do yoo guys do dat git yoo in trouble alla tim?!

Share yoor storeees!

Nov 16, 2008

HAI! hanSEL here!

next weeks, on da 26thsis... we iz celleebratin meh 6 monfs bein borned!

I hope yoo all will attend mai partay!

Dere will be shrimps! annnnn toooona!

Ohhh boys!


I jus baybee!

Also, pweese be finkin of mai furrend MOKI.

Nov 15, 2008

kitty Belly Heaven!! call for Submishun!!

Hello Fluff&Fur!! I am sachie, Goma’s mother at mycatgoma blog! I have been dreaming about making a blog all about cat bellies.…and I finally get it going!! I think kitty bellies are the most irresistible and heart-melting thing is the whole universe.I obsessively admire and worship them! I do hope I am not the only one think that… To celebrate the wonderful kitty bellies in the world, I created a site called where we can all share your kitty’s irresistible bellies!! I am encouraging cat’s to submit their own tummy so that we can just scream over them!! Thanks for reading my post!! I hope to see you all at! ~Sachie+Goma

Nov 13, 2008


Our very own Sniffie of FriendsFurEver
is Catster's Cat of the Week!
Congratulations Sniffie... way to roar.
Be sure to visit her and give her a big paws up!

Nov 7, 2008

Mommeh gifts.

Hans Here!

Wanted ta let yoo all know, dat if ANY of yoo iz lookin fur nice pressies fur yoor fambly or furrends, yoo can get gifts made by our mommeh!

jus go ta mom's picshures an look an see if yoo wants anyfin!


Nov 4, 2008

Hans here!

dis is HANS here da tell yoo meh floof story. iz very barrasin.

MOMMEH cutted sum of meh BUTT floof. Acaz SUMTIMS i pee pee on dem. I hold an hold an hold meh pee and den it FLOODS bottom of box caz i dig ta bottom and SUM tims dem gets on meh BUTT furs.


How barrasin! i gots da BARE BUTTS.

And den she cutted sum FLOOF frum meh PAWS acaz i run on floors and slides all over da place!

Dat meh sad floof storees

Nov 3, 2008


Mom liked this picture of my floof. She said she could almost feel how soft it is. Sorry, but she is kind of strange that way.

Nov 1, 2008

Welcome to the New Look!

Hello, welcome to our Open House! Come in, come in. No, your in the right place, this is still Floof & Fur. It's the new and improved Floof & Fur!

In the past few months we have been going thru some changes, meeting new friends and having new adventures. We just thought that it was about time our bloggy had a change of its own to try and keep up with us.

We've got a brand new header. Doesn't it look classy, just like us? I think so too! Notice the lovely new colors. They are so easy to work with, now they will compliment almost every fur color you can imagine! We've got new sidebar tags for all our members to reflect the new color scheme. Just keeping it fresh like a new coat of paint. There are new updated graphics of every kind, just take a look at it all. Fantastic! That's all I can say.

I would like to personally thank the Zoolatry Human, Ann for all of her hard work to make our blog look so beautiful. She has been working hard for days to make this look so great. She is a blessing to us all and she never ceases to amaze me. Thank you Ann, thank you very much.

Now everybody come on in and take a good look around. Help yourself to a cup of Tuna Juice Punch and some Party Mix. Please be sure to leave us a comment and let us know how you like our new look. Thanks for coming!