Jul 28, 2009

Melvin was featured on CO!

I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw his face on one of my favorite sites, Cute Overload.

His scowl must have won them over.


Amy & the house of cats said...

We saw Melvin over there at CO - he is perfect for them!

Sweet Purrfections said...

The scowl gets them everytime!

Anonymous said...

Melvin was born to be on Cute Overload!

Cory said...

The scowl, plus the ear fuzzies! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

That scowl defenitely melted their hearts! How could it not?!?

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

How could that face not win them over..

Hugs GJ xx

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

of course he was on there he is the DEFINITION of cute.
i am just a little bit jealous that they did not want me on there..

Brian's Home Blog said...

A perfect choice...an instant classic.

Samantha & Mom said...

Melvin is just the cutest!! I love that picture!!
Your FL furiend,

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is real cute!

The Kitty City Gazette said...

Hi there, hey can I use this photo for a story in the Kitty City Gazette? It's so funny! That LOOK! He looks like Igor!

Estrella said...

i am a melvin fan as well, he is so cute!!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

OMG he is adorable!! Himilayan, I think>

Papa Hero said...

So Cute...!!!!
meet my legless cat named Hero @ http://kakimotong.blogspot.com

i bet you will like it..