At first I was just an outdoor visitor but it soon started to get cold. I saw the other kitties going inside the house and was very curious about what was in there. One night it was especially cold and it started to rain white stuff. The mom lady kept talking to me and standing in the open door. She asked me if I wanted to come in. After I thought about it for a few minutes I decided to come on in and see what life was like on the other side.
Now I am an official member of the family. I get to come and go pretty much as I please. Mostly I like to stay inside with my favorite girl. She lets me jump up onto her chest and make biscuits on her. I know that she will scritch my head and face so much that I immediately start to purr when I come into her room. I get so happy sometimes that I even drool. She calls me Droolia when I do this. She's so silly. She also made me this cool hideout. Check me out!
Efurrything would be perfect except that I have to share my people wif some other cats. I have a stoopid brofur named Stryder. He is always hogging my girl. I get so mad at him that I lay my ears back and chase and chase and chase him til he gets tired and wants to go outside so he can get away from me and rest. When that doesn't work I just lay outside my girl's door and wait for my chance to get in there and claim her while he's not looking. Stoopid Stryder.
Then there is Sugar. She is the original cat of the house. She does not like me one bit. Whenefur she see's me she growls and whaps me on the head. She knows that I want to be top girl kitty around here. Luckily her favorite person is the mom lady and not my girl.
Well that's all for now. It was nice meeting you all. I hope you enjoyed hearing some of my story. You can see more pictures of me and my family on my other blog Kellykat's Korner . Right now I'm ready for a nice long nap. See ya next time!
Hi Scotchy... you're just the cutest thing this side of butterscoth and cream and we're so glad you've come to join the Floof and Fur club. Welcome!
Hi Scotchy! Welcome to floof and fur. We are so happy that you have joined us and look forward to hearing more about you.
Hi Scotchy! It's so nice to meet you! I was a feral kitty too until the nice guy and the yellow hair lady took me in. I live with other cats too. Ernie is okay...he likes to run and play with me. The orange stripey cat (his name is Wally) doesn't like me much either.
It's nice to have you here!!!
Hi Scotchy...
Nose taps from Maggy & Zoey!
Ohhhhhh yoo am a beeutiful girl kitty. Kisses and hugs!
Nice to meet you, Scotchy!
Hi Scotchy!! You are beautiful!!! Welcome to the club, we are so happy to have you!
Thanks for the great welcome efurrybody! I'm so glad to have a place where I can just be myself.
Little Zoey, my girl thinks we look like sisters. We could almost be twins.
Kitty kisses to all of you. I need to go make some rounds.
Oh Scotchy, you are lovely! I am so happy you found such a happy forever home! We understand that it is not easy to get along with siblings. Your brother and sister are very pretty too. It will be so fun to get to know other floofy kitties!
Hugs and Purrs,
Billie and her Momma Lorianna
we're so glad you adopted your people. are you a Maine Coon? you look like it - gorgeous!
Hi Billie & Momma Lorianna, thanks for the compliment. I'm glad other floofies can appreciate the annoyances of siblings with me.
Grr, Midnight & Cocoa: my girl thinks that I am a Maine Coon. Her boyfriend has a Maine Coon kitty and we look a lot a like so that is her best guess. She doesn't really know much about breeds but would be interested to know for sure but I'm not telling. It's my secret.
Hi Scotchy!!! It is very nice to meet you!! You are a beautiful kitty!!!
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