My name is Angeline (Angie for short) and I am posting today with my brother Rocky! We live with our sister, S'more and our Mommy over at the Kitty Hut.
I am a blue-cream point Himalayan. On October 7th, I will be 14 years old! My brother Rocky (pictured at right - on top of our refridgerator!) is 5 years old and he is a flame-pointe Himalayan.
We just started our bloggie this year. We are so happy that we did because we have met so many wonderful kitties and beans! Please be sure to stop by and say hi anytime at: http://rockyangiesmoreskittyhut.blogspot.com

HI ANGIE AND ROCKY!!! Welcome to Floof and Fur. You are to very beautiful floofy kitties!!! Come and visit us!!
It is very nice to meet you Rocky and Angie! Welcome! My how floofy you are.
Your FL furiends,
Hi Angie and Rocky! I am so happy to meet some fellow floofy, flat-face friends. Isn't it great that the Floof and Fur got started?
Hi Angie, hi Rocky. Welcome to Floof & Fur. It's a great place for us to blog and get to know each other. I haven't been blogging too long either but I really enjoy it. Hey Rocky can you teach me how to get on the fridge?
Hi Angie and Rocky!
It is very nice to meetcha!
Welcome to flloooofy Fur!
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