Hey! Hansel here!
I don't know if you all know about the furbutt contest going on, but i'm here to tell you about it.
You can donate to animal rescue by VOTING on a photo!
Votes only cost $1.
If you want to vote 5 times- it costs $5.
You should go and take a look! if you can't afford to vote, then you can donate to help the cause!
Here are our photos:
Jun 30, 2009
Jun 21, 2009
Summer With The Monkeys
Hello everyone!
Delilah and I are honored to be invited to be members of the Floof and Fur group! We happen to be posting on the first day of Summer (which, coincidentally, is the current theme)
We're from Montreal, Canada and I'm (Samson) almost 3 years old and Delilah is 3. Mommy calls us The Monkeys.
It gets very cold at certain times of the year here. Having lots of floof is an asset in the Winter (even though we're strictly indoor cats) and our Mom appreciates the warmth we emit at night. But in the Summer, it's a whole other story and things can get pretty sticky.
I like to wear my floofy tuxedo all year long:

And Delilah can't escape her snow pants

As all you floofs and furries know, a good brushing is really important. I'm lucky because I love it. Delilah, on the other hand, does not!

We hope you're all staying cool this summer and remember, if it's too hot, try hanging out in the cool ceramic of the sink!
Delilah and I are honored to be invited to be members of the Floof and Fur group! We happen to be posting on the first day of Summer (which, coincidentally, is the current theme)
We're from Montreal, Canada and I'm (Samson) almost 3 years old and Delilah is 3. Mommy calls us The Monkeys.
It gets very cold at certain times of the year here. Having lots of floof is an asset in the Winter (even though we're strictly indoor cats) and our Mom appreciates the warmth we emit at night. But in the Summer, it's a whole other story and things can get pretty sticky.
I like to wear my floofy tuxedo all year long:
And Delilah can't escape her snow pants
As all you floofs and furries know, a good brushing is really important. I'm lucky because I love it. Delilah, on the other hand, does not!
We hope you're all staying cool this summer and remember, if it's too hot, try hanging out in the cool ceramic of the sink!
Jun 13, 2009
Jun 4, 2009
Jun 3, 2009
Introducing Melvin!
Melvin is so excited and thankful to be, what looks like, the youngest member of Floof & Fur thus far.

Melvin is a unique little Blue Point Himalayan boy. He is thought to have been born with a genetic disorder known as Primordial Dwarfism. The vet has told us that he will never get to be past 3 pounds. The diagnosis was found with several tests, including x-rays and ultrasounds, that showed us that Melvin's organs are all proportionate to his tiny size. At 2 months Melvin had the heart the size of a 2 week old kitten.

These days, Melvin is growing well, despite showing symptoms of the disorder. Seeing that not much is documented on PD in cats, our vet is using the human symptoms as somewhat of a guide. So Melvin has become somewhat of a learning experience for us all, although this disorder has been arising as somewhat of a fad within the breeding world and used as a marketing technique by calling cats like Melvin "teacup".

Melvin was born on March 17th, 2009. His Gotcha-Day was exactly 2 months after this when he was rescued from his previous owner. To read Melvin's entire story, visit him at his blog, which is updated daily.
Jun 2, 2009
Thanks for the invite to FLOOF & FUR
Introductions from the floofy and furry members of our
family... Above is Furby and PURRpet our stuffed mascot!
His full name is Furbert Leo Cappuccino
Furby was a barn kitten born in a litter of short haired kittens!
He was 10 years old on aPURRil FURst!
He's a big boy- about 18 pounds of creamy floof!
This is our Puff-Kitty or Puffy
She is the feline evangelist of our family!
She showed up at our door and changed us from people
into PURRsons who love kitties!
She came into our lives and hearts in October of 1997!
She'll be 13 this Halloween!
Lady Godiva Candy is a Maine Coon Cat
She's going to be 10 on the 10th of June!
She came from a cattery in Fredonia, NY- Chadwickoon
She is as sweet as her name...
Jun 1, 2009

Hello Fellow Floofers! My name is Dante and I am a 7 year old Maine Coon classic red tabby. I live with my brofur, Dylan and my sisfur, Domino in a nice house in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (it's the capital, you know).
I was born at the Lacocoon Cattery in Lacolle, Quebec. The first two pictures of me are when I was just born and when I was a toddler at Lacocoon before my purrents picked me up to take me to my furefur home.
You can see me when I was about 6-months old in the third picture (see how long my tail is -- I didn't growed into it yet). This is my house -- I have lots of rooms to wander around and big windows to look out, and a back yard where I can roam free because, as Mama says, gravity and the fence keep me safe. Mama takes me out in the front yard, too on a leash, so I can socialize with all the neighbours and watch things go by on the street. Mama has also taken me to the Petsmart on my leash and peoples are always admiring me when I goes there.
The next picture is my only furmal purrtrait that was taken when I was just one year old. I weighed about 17 lbs. then and my eyes were still an ampurr colour, but I growed more since then and my eyes has changed to green now.
The last picture shows me when I was fully growed at the age of 6. Now I weighs about 22 lbs. I has a furry, furry full coat of floof. I has more in the winter and less in the summer cause I sheds when it's hot.
I has my furry own blog called "All About Lacocoon Dante". Here's the link:
Next time I'll do a story about me in the summertime. Thanks fur letting me be a mempurr of your Floof and Fur club.
Summer Time For Hansel
Den, i might relax in lots of sun rays, eet lots of fud,
sum temtayshuns, whap mai sisfur, an broffur,
an jus be da cool kitteh dat i am.
What do you do to beat the heat?
I lay on cool surfaces. Like da baf room floors.
Where are the beans off to on vacation?
Dem are gun go ta beaches i finks. i dun no. Dis mai furs summers here.
How do you battle the weekday blahs?
I whap stuff. Yoo nos, like mai sisfurs face.
How do you deal with all the little sticky kids constantly disturbing your naptime?
I dun haf sticky kids. But, i whap mommeh in da face. Or, whoeffur
is dis-turben me.
Where can a kitty get some R&R?
Anywhere i wants. I can seeps anywheres.
mai favvorite iz stealin a spot where mai sisfur iz headin. her gets mad.
Where is your favorite sunbathing spot?
right in da winna sill. Mommeh saz i better not eet dat much
n git fats acaz i no fit no more. I tell her, mommeh, mommeh
yoo stoopid.
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