Melvin is a unique little Blue Point Himalayan boy. He is thought to have been born with a genetic disorder known as Primordial Dwarfism. The vet has told us that he will never get to be past 3 pounds. The diagnosis was found with several tests, including x-rays and ultrasounds, that showed us that Melvin's organs are all proportionate to his tiny size. At 2 months Melvin had the heart the size of a 2 week old kitten.

These days, Melvin is growing well, despite showing symptoms of the disorder. Seeing that not much is documented on PD in cats, our vet is using the human symptoms as somewhat of a guide. So Melvin has become somewhat of a learning experience for us all, although this disorder has been arising as somewhat of a fad within the breeding world and used as a marketing technique by calling cats like Melvin "teacup".

Melvin was born on March 17th, 2009. His Gotcha-Day was exactly 2 months after this when he was rescued from his previous owner. To read Melvin's entire story, visit him at his blog, which is updated daily.
Hello again Melvin... We seem to be traveling in the same circles these days! Congrats on all your suPURRstardom! You are such a sweet little dude!!! Head bumpies, chin scritchies, & belly luff kisses!
Hello again sweet one, I love watching you on your blog.. Welcome to floof and fur..
HUgs GJ x
Bless your sweet little heart!
This must be Melvin of "Cute with Chris" fame! He's absolutely adorable! Welcome from Dante and I.
Welcome to Floof and Fur Melvin! Nice to meet you! Hope you like it here!
Love your blog! You have a variety of very handsome kitties.
Thank you for sharing.
Kritter Kondo
Welcome Melvin, hope you live a large life in a small body!
Welcome, Melvin - small is beautiful.
Welcome ! Melvin, you're very very cute and sweet ^^
Jas & Gi
Welcome to Floof & Fur Melvin!! You are just so cute!!
Your Floofy tuxie furiend,
Hey there little guy! Glad you could join us here at Floof & Fur. Welcome! Welcome!
Mombean tried to contact floof and fur at the gmail addy. doesn't work.
I would like to be a member. Iam a Nebelung, blue floofy LH cat.
Mr. G the Nebelung at the Castle
Bigs hugs to our little himmie friend Melvin, from the Zoolatry Girls, Maggy and Zoey.
beautiful kitty kat...
I begin on internet with a directory
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