I just turned 13 on July 11th. My Family got me from a breeder who was moving out of state. I was the last kitten to be adopted. My brother had already been claimed. Momma says I was the smallest one of the litter and she was glad to get me out of there because she did not think they were very good at taking care of kitties. I was too little for a regular litterbox and Momma had to hand feed me canned cat food with a spoon. She loved taking care of me because I was so good natured and calm. But, even then when she brushed me I would give her the bitey! Really I am usually a very sweet lady cat, promise! :)
My favorite things are:
Tuna and the "juice" it comes in.
Momma's lap
When Momma calls me WeeWee or MeeMee
Napping, Napping, and More Napping
It is so lovely to meet other Floofy Kitties! I can't wait to get to know all of you!
Love and Purrs Everyone! <3>Billie~
Hi Billie, what fun to have you with us... we just love all your
floof! We can't show pictures of ourselves right now cause we both got short-cuts last week. Actually Zoey looks kind of cute, but Maggy is still embarrassed and shy about her "look"! Both of us HATE combing & grooming too, that's why we have to get cuts from time to time. Welcome!
purrrty, purrrty, purrrty! our Lady wants to give you a big cuddly hug.
Hi Miss Billie. Its so nice to have you here on the Floofy page. I hate grooming too. My girl has to sneak attack me with the brush and that only lasts a few minutes. I like to drag in leafs and little sticks in my fur so I give her plenty to do.
It is so nice to meet you Billie. You are a very floofy cat!
Hi Billie
Welcome to Floof and Fur. You are such a beautiful kitty. It's a shame you don't enjoy the brushing because it's a special time between Mom and me. I love to be brushed and combed,except when I get matts because of shedding (which is all of the time). Luckily, mom has never had to cut my fur.
Hi Billie, so nice to meet you! Isn't fun being floofy???
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